Video Marketing Should Be At The Top Of Your Strategy
By Tabitha Britt
The future is here and it’s in love with video content. As an insurance agent, you want to make sure you have the right content that works to help you engage prospects and future clients. Did you know that 84% of marketers say that video has helped them generate more leads?
Video is at the forefront of a marketing revolution and insurance agents can’t afford to miss out.
Still unconvinced? Here are four reasons why you should jump on the video marketing bandwagon.
Video content boosts conversions and sales
Video content has the potential to lead to direct sales and amazing growth. Why? Mainly because we are visual learners most of the info that’s transmitted to our brain is visual. Your prospects retain 95% of a message in video compared to just 10% in text. So if your still images can boost engagement, just imagine what moving pictures can do for your business. Sometimes just reading about a storm destroying a home doesn't have the same impact that video will for a potential purchaser.
Video shows great ROI
Want to get really excited? 83% of marketers say that video gives them a good return on investment (ROI). That’s up from 78% in 2018 and that number will grow year after year.
At Videobolt, you get high-quality video with a professional spokesperson that lets you easily appeal to your prospects and drive inbound traffic to your agency. They produce high-quality videos about car, homeowners, motorcycle insurance and more then you just simply click the link to the video you want, add your name and for less than $100 you have a high-quality video with your branding delivered to your inbox in minutes. Now share it with the world on social media and see the calls, clicks and conversions.
Facebook loves video
You probably see your Facebook news feed has more and more video but did you know it gets much more exposure than text? Video posts on Facebook have 135% greater organic reach than photo/text posts. Wow! So the same message in video gets that much more engagement than a simple written blog.
LinkedIn loves video too. Statistics show you get 20x more exposure with a video than you do with a written post.
Video attracts mobile users
Not to be corny, but video and mobile go together like spaghetti and meatballs. Why? Because we live in an on-the-go society. YouTube reports mobile video consumption increases by 100% each year, which means your video audience will only get bigger with time. That’s hundreds, if not thousands, of customers you’re missing out on.
Video marketing is becoming more affordable and more widespread. Not just because of our leaps in technology, but also because video is easy to share and comprehend. Creating marketing videos for your business or brand requires creativity and a bit of knowledge about human psychology. When combined, you can create a real miracle of an advertisement at minimal cost.
Even better, Videobolt can take the guesswork out of the process and ensure your video marketing leads your strategy forward. At Videobolt, we provide a simple cloud-based platform so you can easily get your affordable spokesperson video quickly and get that video delivered fast. See how Videobolt can help you build your video marketing strategy today.